Pondering the Christmas Message You might be thinking, what? Christmas? It’s not even Thanksgiving yet. But Christmas will be here before we know it. With all the hustle and bustle that happens during the Christmas season I am hoping we can step back and ponder or, seriously reflect on and examine carefully the true Christmas message.
Christmas is the only Christian holy day that is also a major secular holiday. So, there are two major celebrations going on at the same time and this brings uneasy feelings to both groups. Christians can’t help but notice that the festivities focus more on consumerism and less and less on “Keeping Christ in Christmas,” The background music in stores is moving away from “Joy to the World” to “Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas.”
On the other hand, nonreligious people can’t help but feel Christmas from the Christian perspective as an intrusion in their lives. But every Christmas there is a great opportunity for Christians to influence culture in a positive way. Christmas is about the light of Jesus Christ bursting in on a world darkened by sin John 1:9-10. December 21st is mid-Winter the shortest, and darkest day of the year and it comes just days before we celebrate Christ’s birth.
So, both groups have some things in common. Christians and non-Christians alike decorate trees, houses, and lawns with lights. The latter group has not grasped the spiritual significance of the light. The giving of gifts is a reminder of the Greatest Gift ever given to mankind, Jesus Christ. The latter group sees gift giving differently. Jesus comes as Light because we are too spiritually blind to find our own way 2 Cor. 4:3-4.The latter group has no concept of spiritual blindness. Jesus became mortal and died because we are too morally corrupt to be pardoned any other way. The latter group believes if they do enough good stuff they will be acceptable to God. It appears that every year Christmas loses more and more of its Christian roots. Yet, once a year, at Christmas, the truth about Jesus becomes a bit more accessible to an enormous audience.
So, this Christmas let’s prepare ourselves for the audience that God is preparing for us. Example: Google “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” Non-Christians will undoubtedly hear this song many times so be prepared to answer their questions. Who is Jesus? He is the “Everlasting Lord” from “Highest Heaven” and comes down to be the “Offspring of a virgin womb.” What did He come to do? His mission was to see, “God and sinners reconciled.” How did He accomplish it? “He lays His glory by,” that we “no more may die.” How can this life be ours? Only by a”second birth.” Amen!
Also in preparation for this Sunday’s message please read lsaiah 9:2,5-7. See you this Sunday Lord willing
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