
Jesus, our Solid Rock!

reetings brothers and sisters… Pastor Rob here It seems that the world has gone completely insane! I mean, drag queen shows at elementary schools?…. What in the world is being taught to our children? Everything is being turned upside down. There is nothing sacred anymore. The sanctity of life in the womb has been abandoned....


To God be the glory!

Greetings brothers and sisters… Pastor Rob here Do you speak “Christian-ese?” If you have been following Jesus for any length of time, you probably do. There are numerous words and phrases that we learn as we grow in our faith; words like, salvation, fellowship, quiet time, born again. These words have tremendous meaning, but as they...


Guess Who’s coming for dinner?

Greetings brothers and sisters… Pastor Rob here What would you do if you knew that the Lord Jesus was coming to your house for dinner tomorrow? Yikes! Red alert! The house must be spotless; cleaned, dusted, mopped no dirty dishes in the sink! And what about the meal? It has to be, well… heavenly! I mean, what...



Greetings brothers and sisters… Pastor Rob here We are looking forward to two special days on the church calendar, namely Good Friday and Easter Sunday. On Good Friday we focus on Jesus Christ and Him crucified…the cross! And on Easter we celebrate Christ’s glorious resurrection from the grave. This season of preparing for those great...