God’s possessive love!

Greetings brothers and sisters… Pastor Rob here.

The Bible is full of names for God: He is “God Almighty;” He is “The God of Peace;” He is “The God Who Sees;” He is “The God of All Comfort.” These different names describe who God is. There is one name for God that we don’t talk about very much.…the Bible calls Him, “The God Who is Jealous, whose name is Jealous!” Wow! We don’t usually think of jealousy as a positive trait, but the Bible clearly ascribes this attribute to our God. His name is”Jealous!” What does it mean?…

Throughout the Bible, Almighty God is likened to a Husband Who is married to His people, who are His Bride. (Isaiah 54:5, Jeremiah 3:1, Ephesians 5:22-33) He loves His people passionately! And He desires that His Bride remain faithful to Him and Him alone…He will not share His Beloved with any other lovers! Yes, He is jealous over His Bride! This is why He hates idolatry, for when His people worship another god, they are committing spiritual adultery! That is strong language, but that is what the Bible teaches, and that is why the Lord gives Himself the name, “Jealous!”…”for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord whose name is Jealous is a jealous God.” (Exodus 34:14) 

Personally, I am very glad that the Lord is jealous over me! He paid a “brideprice” for me, the price of His precious blood, and now I belong completely to Him. He has given Himself completely for me, but the question for today is, have I given myself completely to Him? Or, are there idols secretly hidden in my heart? Have I exalted something or someone above the Lord? Idolatry can be so subtle; we may be worshiping something other than God and not realize it. It could be your occupation; it could be your hobby; it could be a sport; it could be your spouse; it could even be your ministry. The God who is jealous over you can see clearly into your heart. He wants your heart to be undivided… completely faithful to Him.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me, and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” (Psalms 139:23-24 ESV)

—Pastor Rob

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